Sleep Disorders

Treating Insomnia | Improving Sleep
Our Clinical Psychologists specialize in Sleep Disorder therapy based on a proven insomnia treatment program.
As many as 20-40% of adults are suffering with insomnia. Stop the cycle and sleep, at last.
About Insomnia
Insomnia represents an immense burden in terms of human suffering, economic costs, and other consequences to the individual and society. The many available sleep medications, whether prescribed or over the counter, can have unwanted side effects, lose effectiveness over time, foster dependency, and bolster the belief that the cure for insomnia comes from something external. Most importantly, however, these sleep aids don’t cure insomnia because they don’t treat the causes. Unfortunately, many insomniacs believe they have only two alternatives: take sleeping pills or live with the problem.
What Helps Insomnia?
Over 20 years of research indicates that CBT is highly effective in the treatment of insomnia. In most instances, the causes of insomnia are thoughts (cognitions) and behaviors (habits) which are learned and can be unlearned. Some examples include:
- Negative, distorted thoughts and beliefs about insomnia
- Going to bed too early or sleeping too late
- Trying to control sleep rather than letting it happen
- Lying awake in bed, frustrated and tense
If you’re living with insomnia, be assured that it can be treated and you can enjoy the comfort of restorative sleep.